Birthday here and there!

Our sweet, fun, adorable Rebekah turned 6 this month!!!
We love her and can't believe she is already 6! She is a joy to be around and we are SO glad she is part of our family!
We did a 'Sweet Treats' party for her with her friends...
 LOTS of candy! For eating, decorating cupcakes...
 Her giant cupcake!
 Our family got to eat it after her party when we had a little celebration!
 Coloring with friends!
 Lizzie loved the balloons and kept getting really tangled in them! It was so cute!
 Bekah decorating her cupcake!
 Present time!
 One of her presents came in a giant bag, which Lizzie liked to play in!
 Treats hanging everywhere!
Then the next week we went home for Christmas/wedding fun!
 We Rolfe girls threw a family bridal shower for our soon to be sister Melissa!
Here are my girls cuddling with Grandma at the shower!
 All of Dustin's siblings and families got to be home for everything!
Here are my girls cuddling with their Auntie Kayla and cousin Mason!
We are loving being with everyone!
 We had a birthday dinner with all the family for Bekah's birthday!
More presents... (above is cousin Mason helping!)
She had a great birthday! With lots of celebrating! It is kinda fun having a birthday close to Christmas, she gets to see family most years and celebrate with them also!

Life- Busy and Random!!!

Still catching up!
 One of my best friends sent these cute PJ's from Japan for Lizzie after she was born,
she can now fit in them!!! SO CUTE!!!

 Grace has been doing choir at school and had her concert after Dustin got home,
so he got to go hear her also! She did awesome!
 Grace had her first piano recital also! She did awesome!!!
We are very proud of her!
 Jamberry time! I did all our nails for Christmas!!! These are Grace's toes!
Bekah's are the same, but I couldn't find the picture!  
 My fingers!
 My toes!
Grace's fingers!
We are getting ready to redo them again! So I will post pictures after we do!
We are loving using Jamberry Nail Shields!!! Let me know if you want more info about them! 

Welcome home Daddy!!!

Dustin came home Dec. 2nd! We were all VERY excited!!!

 My nails done and ready to grab my guy!
 Waiting for Daddy's plane to land!
 Lizzie's first time seeing Santa! TO cute! She did NOT like him!
 Jake waiting!

 His plane landed!!!
 Dustin is on the far left, front row!

 Not sure what to think...
 Daddy's girls!!!
Our family whole again!!!

Christmas Decorations!

We got all the decorations up right after Thanksgiving!
 (We got to have Marie & Kent and Grandma Great Zoe come out for Thanksgiving, but I either didn't take pictures or I can't find them! If I do, I will post them! It was great having them visit for the holiday! We went shopping, to a movie and just relaxed together!)
My decorations!
 Entry way on one side
 Snowman land, living room.
 Entry way other side.
 Our tree! I did red, white and silver this year!
 Nativity above the fireplace
 And the stockings where hung...

Random Life!

We have many different things going on! So here is some 'random life' shoots!  
 Cute Lizzie!
 Jacob pinning me when he got his first Boy Scout rank! So proud of him!
I 'think' I got most of the 12 days gifts put together! I love doing them! I did end up changing a few of the sets tho! But here are pictures of the different ones I did this year!
12 days of Kindergarten for Bekah's teacher!  
 12 days Texas style for a cousin!
 12 days Michigan style for another cousin!
12 days Florida style for one of my best friends family!
I really love doing 12 days of Christmas! Can't wait to pick some to do next year!
(If you want to know more about how or what or where I got any of the 12 days stuff leave me a comment!)

1st Birthday Party!

Pictures from Lizzie Zoe's first birthday party!
 Looking at her presents!
 Opening presents!
 Her friend Jacob!
 Her smash cake!
 Cupcakes for everyone else! I also did Chocolate frosted ones decorated the same!
 Snack bar!
 Table set up!
 Thank you treats!
 She how she has grown!

 Birthday card invites!

We had a great time with all our friends who came and helped us celebrate Lizzie's birthday! We are very blessed with many wonderful people in our lives!!!
Thanks so much!