Happy Halloween!

Since we are all tired of looking at my pregnancy fatness, it is time to see some cute bugs and a BA or two (Bad Apple! Shame on you thinking I would swear!)
 Dustin thought it would be fun to dress up like Jake for pictures! He did not wear his costume to the party tho, since I wasn't dressed up. But don't they look good!
 Jake, in his 'if I tell you I would have to shoot you' costume. (He refused to smile, he had to stay in character as a true BA, Bad apple that is!) He came up with his costume on his own, with things he can use again, or we already had. (Dustin's vest, my blue tooth, Dustin's air soft gun- without the ammo or 'air', and some new clothes) He did pretty good.
 Gracie, our cute honey bee
 Bekah our adorable lady bug!

 We hope you have a buggy and 'safe' Halloween!
Of course, we had to do nails to match their costumes! 

Our Ward, church, had a Halloween party so we got the kids all dressed up and since I had spent so long on hair and nails and face paint, and since I am a photographer/photo junkie, I HAD to do a mini shoot of them!
On the way to the party I came up with a costume idea for me, but it was to late for the night. I decided I needed a orange shirt with a pumpkin face on the tummy area, it would look like I was carrying a pumpkin! Yesterday while I was getting a few needed baby items I found a shirt with a pumpkin face, it is not on the tummy, but I think it will be cute! 

Hope you all have a great Halloween!

8 months down... one to go!

While we were at the Garden of the Gods, Dustin took some pictures for me, of me. Kinda a mini maternity shoot. Since I am so picky about my pictures, but can't take them myself, and my partner is so far away, it worked. He did a great job. 
Here are a few of my favorites.

So, it wasn't exactly what I had in mind for my maternity shoot, but since I can't take and be in the pictures, it turned out great.
I am very thankful to Dustin for putting up with me and doing this for me. He was great. And Jake & Grace took the ones of Dustin and I for me. (I just had to do some minor editing.) 
So, one month to go, and buy are we ready! My body is more than ready to be done, as am I! I would love to have some basic energy to get a few little things done without be worn out! And Dustin is ready for me to stop complaining! 
Mostly, we can't wait to meet and love this little baby girl!

Garden of the Gods

We decided to take a break from unpacking and go exploring the Garden of the Gods Park. It was beautiful! We only did one of the super easy walks, not even a trail, it had paved sidewalk and benches the whole mile plus. But Dustin thought it might be one I could do. And I made it! It ended up being a mile and half, which isn't far, but when you are 8 months pregnant, feels a whole lot farther! At least for me being as out of shape as I am. I was tired after wards but it was worth it.
Here are a few of my favorite pictures!
I will make a slide show of all of them so be watching the right side for it!
 A great shot of Jake
 Our cute girls!
 I have to say, I have three good looking kids!
 This rock formation was named 'The three Graces', so here we have The Four Graces.

 The girls and I. I love this picture!
 One good looking guy!
Grace took this for us. I wanted a maternity shot with Dustin. (Dustin was doing a 'mini maternity shoot' for me since I can't take my own, and my partner is to far away. And I am to cheap and picky to go have someone else do them. The pains of being a photographer!)

There were so many other trails and cool places to stop and explore! I can't wait to go back not pregnant, when I have the energy to have fun! It is a really cool place! So, if you come to visit it is a place we will have to take you! 

Like I said we did a maternity shoot for me, so those pictures will be coming. PLUS, that same night was our Ward Halloween party so since I had everyone all dressed up I did a little Halloween shoot of the kids! So lots of pictures are coming!!! Check back often!

Fun in the SNOW! And more!

Yes, you read right! We had a few COLD days and it snowed! It melted at our house right away, but up in the mountains...

 Me- 34 weeks! I know, I am huge!

It was a beautiful day out and the kids had a blast having a snow ball fight with dad and making a snowman!
Jake even showed Bekah how to make a snow angle, tho she didn't want to make one herself, something about snow going up her shirt and down her pants! 
It was a great day playing in the snow!

From the back of our house we have a beautiful view of Pike's Peak! Here are some of our favorite scenes! 

 And here is our house! (Not a great picture, taken with my phone.)
 We FINALLY got all our stuff delivered! This is my living room! Yeah, now to unpack! (Again taken with my phone, sorry)
And here is my kitchen, partly unpacked, its a MESS! Since then I have put most of that away and my kitchen is usable and unpacked! The only part left is the items I am unsure where to put! (Again, taken with my phone! I promise to take some good ones once I am unpacked!)

So, as you can imagine, we have been spending our days unpacking! We are making progress. I wish it were going faster, in past moves I was able to do a lot more a lot faster, but being 35weeks pregnant has kinda stalled things! I can only do a little before I need to rest my body! Remind me not to move past the 4th month of pregnancy again! A lot harder than I thought it would be! 
So aside from a few problems- taking 2 extra weeks to get our stuff delivered; them losing ALL our furniture hardware (yeah for beds, tv stand, dresser mirror ect...), scratching many of our items, and losing a few things like the legs to my end table, and breaking a few key items needed for our sofa and master bed; it has been an okay move. Yeah, not the best we have had!!! But we are making it work! They will be fixing or paying us for most of that stuff, at least we hope, otherwise we may use our house insurance to pay for it. 
We have all the major stuff put together and fixed, and are slowly getting everything how we want. 

Today was Parent teacher conferences for the kids. Jacob's teacher said he is adjusting surprisingly well. Doing great in everything. He has jumped in and done super on figuring out where they are and how to do things there way. He is smart, friendly and a great example to others.
Gracie is doing amazing. She is far above in all areas and figuring out how they do things. She stays on task, helps others and is a great example to her class mates. She is also very kind to everyone. 
We have amazing kids and are very proud of them. 
Today was also Bekah's first day of preschool here. She had a great time and thinks she will really like it. She was so excited to go, it was fun to watch! 


Well, we are here. In our house, trying to unpack and turn our house into a home we can enjoy. It is going to take longer than normal due to the fact that I can only do so much before my body needs to rest. This little baby does not like me bending and being up on my feet doing things non-stop! I have got the kitchen out of boxes, and almost put all away. I only have 6 rooms and 3 bathrooms to do now! I am hoping to do some decorating as I go, that is my favorite part! I am hoping I will have some pictures of the finished areas soon! I haven't taken the time to get the good ones off my camera, and don't have time right now! So they will come soon! 
The kids are back in school and enjoying it. Bekah gets to start pre-school again tomorrow, or Monday. It has taken longer to get her in a pre-school since they all have waiting lists or are super expensive or far away. But we got her in one, it isn't really close by, but it will work while I keep looking for another! It is a good one tho, so that is nice. 

And that is all for now! More coming, with pictures soon!

Fall Photos!

Had to take a few pictures of the kids for our moving cards and wanted to share! 
 My cute kids! 
 Jacob 10 years
 Rebekah 4 years
 Grace 8 years

Hope you enjoy!