Father's Day Photo Shoot!

Okay all of you wonderful people who are living close to me, and have husbands in the military, you HAVE to check out my Photography blog to get the info an a great Father's Day gift for your husbands!!!


Do it fast, and let me know if you are coming so I can give you a time slot before they fill up!!!

April Fun!

Well April has been busy! And fun! At the kids school they have an art program called OVAL Art, were each class has a parent volunteer that teaches them an art lesson every month. I was the art teacher for Jake's class, and I helped do Graces! It was tons of fun! At the end of each year the school has a big Evening of the Arts fundraiser/gallery night. Each class makes something that can either be sold in the gallery store, or auctioned in either the live or silent auction. AND each class has a gallery set up for everyone to view and admire the kids art! It is a busy night!

Here is Jake by some of his art!!!                         And Grace with some of her art!!!
(See the monkey picture above Grace's right shoulder, it got picked to go to a County Wide Art Show!!!

This is the Live Auction area. Jake's class, and me the art mom, made the beach picture on an old window frame, it is a faux stained glass! (The one in the middle)

We also made two more that were sold in the Silent Auction! It was way fun!               And here is Jake's class!!!

It is a nice program and very fun! I really enjoyed going in every month to teach them something new about art!

Amid all the fun getting ready for the Art Night, Bekah and I went and picked Strawberries at a place not to far away!

Bekah showing a strawberry she picked!
                    Us Picking away!                                      Bekah & a friend who went with us!        Our friends with their berries!                                                                                

                 I ended up with two huge bowls of berries, (after we had snaked on a TON), and then I made jam!!! YUMMMM!

See how are Garden Grows!

Our garden has been growing in leaps and bounds! Each time I take pictures, everything doubles before I can get them posted!

A flower on our cucumbers, and tomatoes on a few of our tomato plants!

A bloom on one of the pepper plants! Our little peas are growing fast! And a picture of one of our garden boxes! It has peas, peppers, tomatoes, and watermelon.

This is our other garden box, it has corn, squash, green beans, and cucumber. The cucumbers are growing fast and grabbing on to everything, so we added a lattice for them! The last is one of our large pots. It has tomatoes and squash.

And the whole garden! In the pots we have,(from left to right)- Jake's cabbage, peppers, tomatoes & squash, (in front) pumpkins, peppers & peppers! We also have 4 more pots with watermelon, peas, okra, tomatoes, and peppers!

It has been so fun watching everything grow! Luckily I know a little about canning, and am taking class next week!

Major Life questions???

Ha, you thought I was joking!!! All you facebook friends, don't know me like you thought you did!!! Now, seriously...

I once went to a baby shower for a friend who was having her first baby, we played a game here we each wrote a question a new mother might think in the first few months of motherhood. Someone, (I don't know who,and no, I can't remember what question I wrote) wrote the question, 'Will I ever be able to use the bathroom or shower by myself again?'. I have never really thought much about it. It has always seemed like part of motherhood. Well, when your kids are 9, 7, and 3 you would think one could take a five minute shower alone! I mean really!!! Can they not really wait a whole five minutes to tell me something, or to tell on someone? I love them, but seriously.
Do they think I am having a party in there? I wash off the same as they do!

Do we do this to ourselves? I remember when Jake was a baby, I was afraid to really leave him alone. I know it was only for a few minutes, but I was a new mom. Then as he got a little bigger he didn't like me to close the door and leave him out. So, being a nice mom, I didn't. And now I can't get away from any of them for 5 minutes!!!

So as I have begun pondering this major life question, I have no answers. If you do, please share with he rest of us! And you thought I was really kidding!?!

My friends blog! Check it out!!!

My friend here is WAY talented! You have to check out her cute gift ideas! I have seen them in person and they are SOOOOOOOOOO cute!!!

Check it out!!!

Catch up!

Our garden
Doing so good!

Can you see the vine starts? They are there!

Our garden!


More garden pots!

Flowers in front of our house!

'Raining Babies' cake I made for a baby shower for three friends!

My homemade fondunt! This is my first try with fondunt.

Umbrellas for the cake

Clouds for the cake

Rainbows for the cake
So this is my update! I have been staying busy and having fun!

Check us out!

T & E photography
is up and running and taking appointments now!
Call or email to set up a time to capture your special moments!
We specialize in location sessions, but can also do set up a 'makeshift' studio for those little ones!
Check out some of our work at our blog!
I also have a link on the right under 'Some Great sites!'

Where you can find Sugar and Spice Bows by Elly (Me!)

Parkway East Shopping Center
1107 E John Sims Pkwy Niceville, FL 32578
(850) 279-4620
I now have a large selection of hair bows, flowers, and headbands for sale at Cool Stylz Studio! They have a great children's hair cutting set up and right there near are my bows!!!
So if you need a trim and a few bows to go with it, check them out! They are great!

Birthday Fun/ Talented Husband

So I have a very talented husband, I know, you already knew that! But as of lately he has been building me lots of things around the house. I will upload more pictures soon, put to start with...

My strawberries, surprisingly like the sand. And are already growing strawberries after only a week.
My raised garden boxes.

They are really doing great, these pictures are right after we planted, more to come later!

My Birthday!

Grace & Bekah, being cute!

Me and a new shirt Gracie picked out for me!

My present from Jacob, yes, he wrapped it himself!

My WAY yummy cake my wonderful mother in law and grace made for me!!! LOVED it!!!
I had a great birthday! A day of shopping. Then out to seafood, a walk on the docks (on the bay), then home for cake and ice cream! Then I got to go out to dinner with some great friends!
Good times!
Slide shows of our Spring Break Fun are on the right! Check them out!